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RESPECT 4 Neurodevelopment Autumn School Workshop 2024

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Poster for Neuro devemopment
Dates of Event
16th October 2024 – 18th October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
25th September 2024


This event should only be booked once your application for a place has been approved via an invitation email from the network.  For more information on event requirements and how to apply, please refer to the detailed guidelines provided on our website  www.respect4neurodevelopment.com

Join us for the first Autumn School Workshop. The goal of this 2 1/2-day retreat is for researchers to train in cutting-edge concepts and analysis approaches to shape the future of developmental research with neurodivergent infants and children. 

This autumn retreat brings together the perspectives and expertise from multiple disciplines, including participatory research, biomedical engineering, physics, computing/statistics, psychology and psychiatry. It will combine plenary sessions on participatory research and ethics, with more practical issues for researchers (e.g. attaining research funding and collecting neurocognitive data in developmental populations), as well as in-depth training in one dedicated topic of the attendee’s choosing. 

Choose only one analysis method out of the three training streams for the entire event; 

  • Qualitative Analyses led by Dr Felicity Sedgewick & Sarah Douglas
  • Developmental Trajectory Modelling led by Prof Andrew Pickles & Dr Virginia Leno-Carter 
  • fMRI Methodology and Connectivity Analyses led by Dr Jonathan O’Muircheartaigh & Dr Tomoki Arichi


Additional details could be found in the "More Info" tab.

Attendee CategoryCost   
3) Industry UK, EU and Overseas£750.00

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