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Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Photograph of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Department of Psychological Medicine

different size pills scattered

Health Scares Meeting


We are setting up this meeting to explore the role of the media during a health scare. We will discuss the challenges of defining a health scare and some examples that might fit that definition, and debate what role journalists have in helping the public to understand the issue without exacerbating anxieties. 

Please note that due to space restrictions, this meeting is invitation only. An agenda and full details will be sent by the organiser. Dinner on the 9th, and lunch on the 10th and 11th will be covered, but attendees will need to arrange and pay for their own travel and accommodation. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration Fee£120.00[Read More]

Special Events

FREED at 10 - Towards the Next Decades of Early Intervention for Eating Disorders

FREED at 10 - Towards the Next Decades of Early Intervention for Eating Disorders


Ten years ago, we started FREED (First episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders) as a small pilot project. It is now the leading evidence-based service model and care pathway for early intervention in eating disorders. It is fully embedded in services across England and has inspired development of similar models internationally.  Join us to celebrate FREED’s first decade. Learn about how we are working with our partners to shape the future of high-quality authentic prevention and early intervention for eating disorders to revolutionise care for patients and families. Help us make early intervention for eating disorders a world-wide movement. 

The event will feature keynote lectures and talks from international experts on youth mental health and early intervention, members of CREW, national FREED team and the EDIFY consortium on scientific advances, impacts and ongoing work and opportunities for networking, discussion and debate.  


Additional Information in the More Info tab.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Rate (In person)£100.00[Read More]
Standard Rate (Online)£50.00[Read More]
Student Rate (In person)£50.00[Read More]

Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences

Poster for Neuro devemopment

RESPECT 4 Neurodevelopment Autumn School Workshop 2024


This event should only be booked once your application for a place has been approved via an invitation email from the network.  For more information on event requirements and how to apply, please refer to the detailed guidelines provided on our website  www.respect4neurodevelopment.com

Join us for the first Autumn School Workshop. The goal of this 2 1/2-day retreat is for researchers to train in cutting-edge concepts and analysis approaches to shape the future of developmental research with neurodivergent infants and children. 

This autumn retreat brings together the perspectives and expertise from multiple disciplines, including participatory research, biomedical engineering, physics, computing/statistics, psychology and psychiatry. It will combine plenary sessions on participatory research and ethics, with more practical issues for researchers (e.g. attaining research funding and collecting neurocognitive data in developmental populations), as well as in-depth training in one dedicated topic of the attendee’s choosing. 

Choose only one analysis method out of the three training streams for the entire event; 

  • Qualitative Analyses led by Dr Felicity Sedgewick & Sarah Douglas
  • Developmental Trajectory Modelling led by Prof Andrew Pickles & Dr Virginia Leno-Carter 
  • fMRI Methodology and Connectivity Analyses led by Dr Jonathan O’Muircheartaigh & Dr Tomoki Arichi


Additional details could be found in the "More Info" tab.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) UK Academic£550.00[Read More]
2) EU/Overseas£650.00[Read More]
3) Industry UK, EU and Overseas£750.00[Read More]
Poster for Neuro devemopment

Industry Stands at R4N Annual Conference 2024


We would like to invite you to represent your company with a booth at this annual event. For more information about schedule for each day, please refer to the programme on the network website.  You can register to represent your industry in a booth for Day 1 and / or Day 2.   

This is a unique opportunity to create a symbiotic relationship between industry and our network members.  Shape the future direction of this relationship and create opportunities to increase collaboration between research, innovative ideas, and user perspectives. 

This event should only be booked once your application for a place has been approved via an invitation email from the network.  For more information on event requirements and how to apply, please refer to the detailed guidelines provided in your email invitation. 


Who should attend?  
The RESPECT 4 Neurodevelopment AGM welcomes Industry members from areas of neurotechnology that are relevant to neurodevelopmental conditions.   

Attendee CategoryCost   
Day 1£500.00[Read More]
Day 2£500.00[Read More]

Department of Psychosis Studies

Event title against a blue background

Online Machine Learning School


Once again, Prof. Nikolaos Koutsouleris and his team, together with the ECNP Neuroimaging Network, are organizing the Online Machine Learning School to introduce participants to machine learning, focusing on psychiatric neuroimaging. We have successfully run the highly rated school over the past few years, and it has been very well attended by people across Europe, the US, Africa, and Asia. This year, the machine learning school will be held October 7-11, 2024. 

The school is supported by the Section for Precision Psychiatry (LMU), the Max Planck Fellow Group for Precision Psychiatry, the Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Lab (AIM) and the ECNP and ECNP Neuroimaging Network.


Target audience  
The course is open to clinicians, PhD students, Postdoctoral, early career researchers, and industry professionals. People with all levels of machine learning experience are encouraged to apply because you do not need coding experience to implement the cutting-edge machine learning techniques we teach.


List of people involved in program
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris

Dr. Paris Alexandros Lalousis

Dr. Esther Rituerto-González

Clara Vetter

Susanne Miedl

Attendee CategoryCost   
Online Machine Learning School 2024£220.00[Read More]

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