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King's Health Partners (KHP)

King's Health Partners (KHP)

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Interpretation

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Interpretation


This course will allow you to improve your understanding of Optical Coherence Tomography of the retina. The various modules and questions throughout will cover the significance of the individual layers with and without pathology on the retinal scans on both the Topcon Triton and Heidelberg machine platforms. The course will also cover the typical changes seen with diabetes and other non- DR pathologies, including vein occlusions, wet AMD, vitreo-retinal disorders and drug toxicity. Explanation and examples of the grading of OCT scans used within the London Diabetic Eye Screening protocol are also given. Finally, you will have a chance to test your knowledge at the end of the modules. 

  • Module 1: What is OCT? 

  • Module 2: OCT retinal layers ? 

  • Module 3: Diabetic OCT features 

  • Module 4: Non-diabetic OCT features 

  • Module 5: Difference between Routine Digital Screening and OCT appointments and managing Patient expectations 

  • Module 6: Artefacts and Image Quality 

  • Module 7: How to grade OCT scans for diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy 

  • Module 8: Treatment of diabetic maculopathy and retinopathy 


You can find more info about the course here:

Contact Information:

[email protected] 

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Thumbnail for CBT for Diabetes

CBT for Diabetes



This course is an introduction to the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes credit-bearing module (delivered at King's College London), which aims to help you understand the types of distress experienced by people with diabetes, and to understand how these can be understood using a cognitive behavioural therapy framework.

The course includes some of the materials delivered as part of the module and therefore, you get access to the accessible online content. You will gain this knowledge through a series of talks and podcasts, as well as reading academic journal articles. You will develop key cognitive behavioural therapy skills, such as guided discovery, and behaviour change methods through observing role plays, and you have a chance to practice these skills and reflect on your learning through a multiple choice exam and receive a Certificate of Completion.
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Functional Neurological Disorders (FND)



Functional neurological disorder (FND) is very common, both in outpatient and acute settings, but health professionals often lack confidence in managing it.

This course consists of four modules. The focus is on practical aspects of FND management: how you can make a positive diagnosis of FND; how you should talk about the diagnosis of FND with patients and families; and what advice should you give on the management of FND.
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