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Careers and Employability


Careers and Employability

Careers Fairs

Careers Fairs


Attendance at our fairs is a great way to meet our students.

Please book through King’s Career Connect before making a payment.

Please select the payment option to match your booking in King's CareerConnect.

Please contact our Events & Experiential Learning Team on  employers@kcl.ac.uk if you have any queries.

Payment should only be made after your booking has been confirmed as this payment is not refundable.


Law – Solicitors £600

Law – other corporate £300

Fair – Kings Careers Fair £516

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Host a presentation

Host a presentation


Please ensure you have booked this with the team before paying.

Please email: Employers@kcl.ac.uk

For an on campus an employer presentation we can provide you with a room and standard AV to present your opportunities to our students.

  • Presentation: £150 + VAT = £180

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Targeted Email

Targeted Email


A great way to promote your organisation, opportunities or event to a specific group of students or recent alumni, we can ensure your message reaches the audience most beneficial to your campaign.

To send a targeted email you should first have completed a targeted email request form and agreed upon the price for the quote we have sent you. If you have not already done this, please visit our website at www.kcl.ac.uk/employers or email our Employer Relations & Development Team on employers@kcl.ac.uk.

Please note we will only send emails which are related to career development and only to a maximum of 750 individuals. We are therefore unable to send targeted emails to entire faculties as the results generated would be too large.

Please note prices are inclusive of VAT.

Targeted emails are non-refundable.

Small (Up to 250 recipients)   £180
Medium   (251-500 recipients) £240
Large (501-750 recipients) £300


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Third-Party Advertising on King's CareerConnect

Third-Party Advertising on King's CareerConnect


Our King's CareerConnect vacancy board is available 24/7 and the most effective way to advertise opportunities for free to over 60,000 current students and recent graduates (up to two years).

To purchase a third party advert you should have first uploaded the opportunity onto King's CareerConnect. If you have not already done this, please visit www.kcl.ac.uk/employers/recruit/vacancy-board or email our Employer Relations & Development Team at employers@kcl.ac.uk.

Please note prices are inclusive of VAT.

This product is non-refundable.

If you have any queries please contact:

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On Campus Promotion

Amount (£)


Make an impact and showcase your brand or opportunities with tailor-made events across our main campuses - from coffee drop-ins to large-scale installations, our team can help deliver your vision.
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