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King's Language Centre

King's Language Centre

Ancient Languages Summer School 2025

Ancient Languages Summer School 2025


This event is an intensive course for studying either Ancient Greek or Latin, available on-campus or online. 

Please only use this facility if you have been directed to do so by a member of King’s Language Centre staff or via our King’s Ancient Languages Summer School application form. 
For more information about our Ancient Language Summer School courses, please visit our website: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/language-centre/ancient-languages-summer-school  

The 5% Early Bird booking discount is available until the 30th of April 2025 

Costs include £60 booking fee.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Early Bird - One Session (3 Weeks) - Including assessment£1207.60[Read More]
2) Early Bird - One Session (3 weeks) - without assessment£957.75[Read More]
3) Early Bird - Two sessions (6 weeks) - including assessment£2354.25[Read More]
4) Early Bird - Two sessions (6 weeks) - without assessment£1855.50[Read More]

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