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Department of Women & Children's Health

Department of Women and Children's health

UK National Preterm Birth Conference 2025

UK National Preterm Birth Conference 2025


The UK preterm birth conference is an annual national meeting of both clinicians and researchers, across the multidisciplinary team, where novel approaches, research presentations and networking can occur, to aim to create cohesive national progression on tackling preterm birth prediction and prevention. 
Last year, over 250 delegates attended the conference in Liverpool, where themes such as the vaginal microbiome, the importance in preterm birth prevention of continuity of care, and assessments of surgical technique, skills and materials provided specialists with invaluable learning.

The UK Preterm Birth Conference 2025 will be a vital opportunity to advance research, transform clinical care, and make significant strides in reducing preterm birth rates. With your support, we can ensure that this event makes a lasting impact on healthcare practices, public policies, and most importantly, the lives of families affected by preterm birth

Please book as follows:
Attendee Category 1 – please use this option if you are a Consultant / Professor/ Senior Researcher
Attendee Category 2 - please use this option if you are a Resident Doctor / Midwife / Nurse / Early career Researchers / PhD &MD Students / Allied Health Professionals
Attendee Category 3 - please use this option if you are a Student (undergraduate/Masters) 


Please click on the "More Info" tab for more information about this event.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Consultants/Professors/Senior Researchers£250.00[Read More]
2) Other doctors/MWs/AHPs/PHD Students£150.00[Read More]
3) Undergraduate and Masters Students£50.00[Read More]
4) Riverboat Cruise£50.00[Read More]

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