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Special Events

Special Events

Link between Eating disorders and Autism: PEACE pathway Conference

Link between Eating disorders and Autism: PEACE pathway Conference


We will be presenting an overview of our work, including outcomes, learning points and specially developed resources for clinicians and teams of health professionals working in this area. 

The PEACE Pathway is an innovative Pathway for Eating disorders and Autism developed from Clinical Experience. Our research suggests that around a third of people with an eating disorder may be autistic, or present with high autistic traits. Whilst autistic people with eating disorders require adapted treatments, prior to this pathway there was no systematic guidance or support for clinicians working with this population.  


With the PEACE Pathway, we have introduced a specialised treatment track for autistic people, and people with high autistic traits, in our national eating disorder service in South London and Maudsley NHS Trust. This has included regular support and supervision for clinicians, the provision of training in recognising and adapting treatments around autism, and an autism assessment pathway for individuals with high features but no prior diagnosis.  


We hope that attendees will be able to take some of our experience and ideas back to their clinic and be interested in developing collaboration with our team. 


What previous attendees said: 

“A really informative and thorough conference. It was incredibly interesting to hear from the variety of speakers and the different areas of input. Thank you so much.” 

“It is amazing to be taken through the start of the PEACE journey and seeing what has been achieved to date in helping to improve patient experience and treatment outcomes. It has been an interesting conference to attend. Thank you greatly to all the organisers and participants.” 


Please click on the "More Info" tab for the draft programme and refund policy.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Rate£50.00[Read More]

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