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College Chapel Services & Events

College Chapel Services & Events


Use of the College Chapel for the purpose of a service or event – monies received are paid into the Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund.

Refund policy: 14 day cancellation period from date payment made, or if event is cancelled with at least one month’s notice (4 weeks from date of event).

Please choose from one of the below options (adjust the price if necessary) and Add to Basket to proceed.

  • Weddings (Church of England) - £567, unless other amount agreed
  • Other Services
  • Events - £250 for Alumni, unless other amount agreed
  • Events - £500 for external events, unless other amount agreed
  • Choir & Orchestra Rehearsals - £45 per hour for Alumni, unless other amount agreed
  • Choir & Orchestra Rehearsals - £90 per hour for external rehearsals, unless other amount agreed

NOTE: A minimum hire period of 3 hours applies to Orchestra rehearsals, and any extra chairs and music stands required must be booked and paid for directly via King’s Venues (if available)

If you have any queries please contact: Natalie Frangos dean@kcl.ac.uk

Wedding Service

Amount (£)

Other Services

Amount (£)

Events - Alumni

Amount (£)

Events - External

Amount (£)

Choir Rehearsals - Alumni

Amount (£)

Choir Rehearsals - External

Amount (£)

Orchestra Rehearsals - Alumni

Amount (£)

Orchestra Rehearsals - External

Amount (£)

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