School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical SciencesSchool of Cancer & Pharmaceutical SciencesPreclinical Nuclear Imaging Forum 2024DescriptionThe PNI symposium caters to the UK nuclear imaging community with attendees from both academia and industry. The meeting provides an excellent platform for scientific communication and networking. This year’s meeting will feature three scientific sessions to showcase recent advances in nuclear imaging across a diverse array of applications. For more information to the meeting, please visit This page is to collect payments due.
Student Registration is for undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students only.
7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research MeetingDescriptionEvent Time: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm The Bladder Cancer Research Centre (University of Birmingham) and the Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (King’s College London and Guy’s Hospital) are organising their 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - a fully interactive bladder cancer clinical research meeting led by an international expert panel of clinicians and scientists in the U.K. The forum is designed to bridge the gap between science and clinical practice and will cover the spectrum of bladder cancer research in oncology, urology, nursing, epidemiology, immuno- and molecular biology. Despite the substantial disease burden for patients and healthcare providers, bladder cancer only receives 0.6% of cancer research spending. This meeting will thus provide an opportunity to enhance collaborations across the UK and internationally and allow networking opportunities between clinicians and scientists allowing participants to anticipate crucial observations in the clinical practice to inform research activities and vice versa. Marrying these two diverse disciplines will enable healthcare systems to provide more efficient outcome-driven patient-centred interventions in the field of bladder cancer. In addition to engagement through interactive sessions with high impact speakers, we invite participants from their respective units to submit and present their research. Three high impact abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation and the best oral and poster presentations will be awarded with a prize. More information regarding abstract submission could be found under the "More Info" tab.
UK Membrane Trafficking Meeting 2024DescriptionRegistration for the 2024 UK Membrane Trafficking Meeting, held at KCL. Registration per person, to include sandwich lunch and coffee breaks and evening reception.