International Symposium on Foldamers 2025Info Location Attendee Categories Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionOn behalf of the organization committee, we are pleased to announce the London 2025 Symposium on Foldamers which will take place at the Great Hall in King’s College London on the Strand – the heart of London, on September 1-3 2025.
If you are a UK Early Career Researcher (i.e PhD, PDRA or New Investigator within 3 years of appointment at a UK institute), there are up to 20 bursaries available to cover the conference fee, accommodation, and travel. If you qualify, please contact and describe your career stage and why you are unable to use any current funding you may have.
Event Location![]()
Attendee Categories1) Academic
Additional ItemsContactMore InformationAccommodation recommendations will be sent closer to the time to all attendees.
Plenary Speakers Marcey Waters (UNC, USA) Bing Gong (Buffalo, USA) Ivan Huc (LMU, Germany) Chris Hunter (Cambridge, UK)
Invited Speakers Peter Knipe (Queen’s, UK) Abi Knight (UNC, USA) Andras Kotschy (Industry, Hungary) Anna Barnard (Imperial, UK) Martina Del Bianco (Max Plank, Germany) Hee-Seung Lee (KAIST, Korea) Sarah Pike (Birmingham, UK) Ronald Micura (Innsbruck, Austria) Sabine Müller (Greifswald, Germany) |