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Strategic Communications

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Event Information

Strategic Comms
Dates of Event
9th March 2023 – 31st December 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st December 2025


Strategic communications is engaged with the shaping of long-term discourses in society. Strategic communicators aim to align these with their own values and interests. Through changing the attitudes and behaviour of their target audiences, they pursue strategic outcomes in politics and geopolitics.Strategic communications sits at the heart of any study of strategic affairs and a comprehensive understanding of international relations. It is ever present as states seek to gain advantage over other states, and as revolutionary and insurgent groups struggle to overthrow the status quo in their appeal to populations.In the 21st century, strategic communications is increasingly appropriated by state challengers as they prove more persuasive than those states they choose to subvert. Governments are struggling to respond to global challenges – ranging from violent conflict to climate change – that shock the social order. The shaping and control of messages – words, images, actions and non-actions – is increasingly difficult in a complex and constantly changing environment. In this course you will be introduced to the core concepts of strategic communications, frameworks of analysis, and different perspectives on strategic communications around the world such as China, Russia, Brazil, and South Africa.

This is a self-paced online course where students can access and work through the material at their own convenience.

You will have access to this course for 3 months.

No formal education or professional requirements, however, all learning will be delivered in English, therefore we recommend minimum IELTS Level 6 for learners to get the most from the spoken and written content.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Full Fee£450.00[Read More]
2) Employer Funded - Payment by invoice (£450)£0.00[Read More]
3) King's Current Students£382.50[Read More]
4) King's Alumni£382.50[Read More]
5) King's Staff - Internal (£382.50)£0.00[Read More]

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