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Cicely Saunders Institute

Cicely Saunders Institute

Cicely Saunders Visitor Programme Fees

Cicely Saunders Visitor Programme Fees


If you would like to apply to visit us, please contact csi.visitors@kcl.ac.uk to request an application form. Applicants are also required to submit a CV and two professional references.

There is an upfront administration cost of £50 per application to be paid via the e-store at the time of submission, for the application to be processed.
Once visits are approved, Visiting Scholars are required to pay an additional fee in full before their appointed start date. This fee is required to offset administrative and supervisory costs.

Visitor fees may be waived (either fully or partially) at the discretion of the Institute, taking into consideration the applicant’s contribution to the Institute’s work and other special circumstances.

Read more about our Visiting Programme: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/cicelysaunders/research-impact/visiting-programme

Please choose from one of below options:

    1. App Fee - £50, Application Fee - Administration cost for processing the application, to be paid at the time of submission.
    2. Month Fee - £375, Monthly Fee - Cost per individual (visits lasting between 1 – 4 weeks) 
    3. Annual Fee - £4,500, Annual Fee - Cost per individual (visits lasting for 12 months)
    4. Exp cons - £3,000, Expert consultation visit - Cost per group Half day visit, either a morning 10:00 -13:00 or an afternoon 14:00 -17:00 Cost for a maximum of 20 people, then + £250 per additional person
    5. Bespoke - £5,500, Bespoke academic programme visitCost per group Full day - Full day visit from 10:00 – 16:00. For example, bespoke education and training sessions tailored to the needs of the topic area as requested by the visitors and dependent on available expertise. Cost for a maximum 20 people, then + £250 per additional person.
    6. Add person - £250, Additional person - Cost per additional person for group visits of more than 20 people. 
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