School of Basic and Medical BiosciencesCentre for Gene Therapy & Regenerative MedicineGit Your Code: A Bioinformatician’s Guide to Version ControlDescriptionCourse description This hands-on workshop will allow you to develop familiarity with Git, a version control system that lets you track changes in any set of files (not only scripts!) recoding who made changes to what and when. Git also lets you easily share a public version of your project on, and to work on other people’s public projects. The course will be divided into two days (10:00-13:00)
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An Introduction to High Performance Computing for Biologists Using CREATEDescriptionCourse Description: Many research projects of biomedical interest involve the processing of extensive collections of big data files, which is often impractical on standard desktop computers. This workshop introduces the use of high-performance computing (HPC) systems such as CREATE. At the end of the workshop participants will have familiarity with the Linux command line and an understanding of the key features of an HPC system. The course will be structured in an interactive approach, alternating between lectures, discussion and extended hands-on activity. Live demos will use the HPC cluster, where multiple users compete for its finite resources. The demonstrators will guide you in its use and explain how resources are allocated to users and tasks. The first day will introduce Linux to newcomers, enabling them to use its command line and perform simple tasks such as navigating the system without the use of a graphical interface. During the second day participants will learn how to effectively use a computer cluster – e.g. manipulating files and directories, writing and running scripts, logging into the cluster, transferring data and checking data integrity. Learning objectives: