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King's Forensics Symposium 2025: Stronger Science for a Fairer Society

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Event Information

King's Forensic LOGO
Dates of Event
28th April 2025 – 29th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
14th April 2025


King’s Forensics is an academic grouping within the Department of Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences (AEFS), with unique resource provided by three laboratories accredited to UKAS Quality Standard (ISO/IEC 17025). The City of London police accredited fingerprint laboratory joined the Drug Control Centre and DNA analysis @ King’s in 2020. King’s Forensics houses three further laboratories supporting research ranging from anti-doping science to forensic toxicology, scene-of-crime trace analysis to human identification, and drug-driving to wildlife poaching. Our research is known for its impact, and focuses on addressing some of the global analytical challenges presented to governments, the police and justice departments as well as to educators and service providers.

This symposium showcases that ongoing research highlighting important advances in genetic genealogy, anti-doping science and forensic science policy.

Plenary and Core sessions will be presented by international experts and researchers from King's Forensics linked through the theme ‘Stronger Science for a Fairer Society’. Highlights include lightning and poster presentations for our PhD students and young researchers, updates from external partners and panel discussions on key issues, followed by prize giving.

Please click on the "More Info" tab for more information about this event.

Attendee CategoryCost   
4) Guest online Teams Day One only£50.00

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