Pioneering Approaches in Experimental and Translational Medicine: A Two-Day CourseInfo Location Attendee Categories Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionThere is an urgent need for new interventions for psychiatric and neurological conditions. Experimental medicine studies and early-phase trials are important in providing mechanistic information, optimising and de-risking therapeutic development before proceeding to later stage clinical trials. This two-day, in-person course aims to inspire and prepare researchers embarking on careers in translational and experimental medicine approaches to psychiatric and neurological conditions. It is hosted by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). About the course The course will feature inspiring talks and case studies, panel discussions with Q&As and networking opportunities, and will be delivered by guest speakers from the NIHR Maudsley BRC, University researchers, clinical professionals, industry experts and research participants who have direct experience of taking part in translational and experimental medicine studies. Dates
Event Location![]()
Attendee CategoriesSubsidised ticket
Additional ItemsContactMore InformationProgramme Highlights: Thursday 13 March
Friday 14 March
Who is this course aimed at? The event is tailored to those at early career stages, including PhD students, research assistants and early postdocs, looking to enhance their knowledge and abilities in conducting translational research. Event organisers This course is being organised by Professor Mitul Mehta (NIHR Maudsley BRC Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics Theme Lead), Professor Alice Egerton (Deputy Theme Lead), Professor Patricia Zunszain, Dr John Hodsoll, Dr Cathy Davies, Dr Luke Jelen, Caitlin Pentland and Bartlomiej Pliszka and is supported/hosted by the BRC's Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics Theme. Tickets Tickets for this course are £40, which should be recoverable through bench fees/studentship conference funds for eligible students. For King's students and staff with no other means, a small number of subsidised places have been reserved. Please contact [email protected] if this applies to you and you would like to attend. Please contact [email protected] to be added to the waiting list if the event is fully booked |