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Veterans' Mental Health and FiMT Research Centre Conferences 2025

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Event Information

Veterans' Mental Health and FiMT Research Centre Conferences 2025
Dates of Event
19th May 2025 – 20th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
2nd May 2025


All event information can be found on the following websites:
Monday 19th May 2025 – Veterans' Mental Health Conference
Tuesday 20th May 2025 – FiMT Research Centre Conference 


For ticket information and the refund/name change policy, please click on the more info tab



Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Veterans' Mental Health and FiMT RC Conference (Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th May 2025)£198.00[Read More]
2) Veterans' Mental Health Conference (Monday 19th May 2025)£109.00[Read More]
3) Forces in Mind Trust Research Centre Conference (Tuesday 20th May 2025)£109.00[Read More]
4) Cobseo Members - Veterans' Mental Health and FiMT RC Conference (Mon 19th and Tues 20th May 2025)£153.50[Read More]
5) Cobseo Members - Veterans' Mental Health Conference (Mon 19th May 2025)£54.50[Read More]

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