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Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2025

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Event Information

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2025
Dates of Event
20th May 2025 – 22nd May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
7th April 2025


This established course has been running for 15 years, King’s provides an exceptional faculty of internationally renowned experts in the field of cardiac MRI.

It covers the basic principles of CMR, its clinical indications and role in a multi-modality imaging environment. Delegates will learn in lectures and hands on sessions, at the end of the course they will have a solid understanding of when to refer a patient for Cardiovascular MRI and how to interpret CMR images and reporting. 

Course booking applications will close earlier if the course gets fully booked before the application deadline date.

For full course details please visit:


Please make sure you meet the entry requirements for this course before you start your application. King's College London reserves the right to cancel your registration on the course if you do not meet all the requirements. If your registration is cancelled, the short course administrator will be in touch to arrange a refund.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Full Fee Credit card payment£700.00

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