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Student Services - Student Replacement ID Card for all students






Detailed Description

Once you have placed your order you should visit one of the Student Services Desks and ask for your card to be printed. Please see our knowledge article How can I speak to or visit Student Services in person? for details of our opening hours and where our Student Services desks are situated.


Important Information

Please note you must show another form of identification (driving licence or passport) to the Student Services staff when you go to collect your new card.

If you are in possession of a faulty/expired student ID card, you need an updated card following a change to your personal/course details, or if you are a student of the King’s Mathematics School then you can obtain a replacement free of charge on returning your existing card.

For more information, please view our knowledge article I need a replacement student ID card

If you have any queries, please contact the Student Services Team via Student Services Online via the knowledge article I need a replacement student ID card.

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